This group aims to bring together Chicagoans interested in legal innovation, how technology can be used to improve legal services/access to justice, and legal startups. We are open to lawyers, judges, business people, coders, web developers, academics, and anyone curious about legal technology and innovation.

Our goals include tackling current issues with the legal system, promoting the creation of legal technology solutions, and building community across disciplines. Chicago has always been home to innovative thinkers. It is time to apply that tradition to law!

#LegalTech & Innovation Talks:

  • Join us at Skadden during ABA Techshow Week. We will begin at 5:00 p.m. with networking and kick off the program at 5:30 p.m.
    Ed Walters, Fastcase, CEO – TBA (@EJWalters)

    Nicole BradickCuroLegal, Chief Strategy Officer – TBA (@NicoleBradick)

    Peter C. KruppSkadden, Partner, Mergers and Acquisitions, Private Equity Transactions and Corporate Finance – TBA

    • Additional speakers TBA

    Appetizers and beverages will be provided, courtesy of our sponsor – TBD.

    We highly encourage the use of Twitter and other social media to share ideas presented during the talks and to interact with others from the legal tech and innovation community before, during, and after the event. Get involved and help grow the community. Please use the hashtag #LegalHackCHI.